Sunday, 31 January 2016
Saturday, 30 January 2016
The Error of Balaam-Error of Wrong Battles
Balaam following his
involvement and association with Balak and the elders of Midian was
invited to curse the Israelites under the premonition
that they would be the next victims of the enviable conquest of the
Israelites(Numbers 22:2-6). This assumption was wrong as God had already given
the Israelites an instruction not to engage in battle with the Moabites. He
told them categorically that he would not give them the land of the Moabites because they were their relatives (Deut 2:9).
It is worth noting that
God has respect for our families, our relatives, people who in his own wisdom
he orchestrated we invariably share our lives with. True Christianity has
a healthy respect for the family and even the Apostle Paul says if
we do not take care of our family, we have denied our faith( 1 Timothy
5:8).When we practice a Christianity that does not identify with our
relatives by choosing to ignore some of their needs under the
pretext of meeting those of our church, then we are far from the
model the Bible clearly shows .This practice was condemned by Jesus
as he opposed the Pharisees (Matthew 15:3-8). Instead of engaging in needless
battles and branding our relatives "witches" while
ignoring the real enemy (Ephesians 6:12), there may be a need to check that our
hearts are rid of jealousy or even malice which may have come from
unresolved issues,incomplete information and dismally, gossip.Involvement
in wrong battles leads to a dissipation of energy in the wrong
direction and a waste of resources, time and sadly, damaged relationships.
Although it
was a wrong battle,much can be learnt from the Midianites in their
approach.They engaged the highest form of warfare by seeking to tackle the
battle spiritually. Acknowledging the power of words(Proverbs 18:21) they
hired Balaam to curse the children of Israel. Balaam's error of
wrong company led to the error of wrong battles.We have not been called to
fight every battle and sometimes we may need to step aside and allow our loved
ones face some battles themselves so they can learn invaluable lessons.
Battles are an everyday
reality and it is pertinent that we engage rightly and with the right
weapons. The sword of the spirit which is the word of God is the only
offensive weapon of the Christian soldier (Ephesians
6:17). Different battles will require different strategies which we
should actively pursue under the wisdom and direction of God (1
Samuel 23:2).The greatest battle which occurs daily is the battle
of the mind (2 Corinthians 10:5) and we win this battle by speaking out the
Word of God. However,our involvement in any external battle should
done with caution ,courage with detailed and current information
In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Friday, 1 January 2016
Happy New Year

The three words "Happy New Year"will be used more frequently in our vocabulary in the next few days and will gradually wane by the end of the month. This can easily be attributed to the fact that by then the excitement of the word “new” may no longer be applicable and things may have steadily returned to status quo.
But I am quite glad that although the word “new” may not be applicable to the year after some months, there is something that we can count on that will be new every day; God’s mercy (Lamentations 3:23). It will never grow stale neither will it expire as , there is a daily manufacture of it. No matter how much we use the day before, there will always be a new and fresh supply the following day and this is ample reason for rejoicing. We can hope and trust in the mercy of the Lord ( Psalms 52 8 ) as it is good and does us good.
God is the source and Father of mercies (2 Corinthians 1:3), he is rich in mercy (Ephesians
2 4), his mercy being abundant (1 Peter
1 3), is great towards those who fear him(Psalms 103:11) and the joker is that he delights in showing mercy(Micah 7:18).It
is in God’s DNA to be merciful. This mercy of God can surround us (Palms 32 10),
be a crown on our heads( Palms 108 :4) and even be our special personal escort with its twin goodness(Psalms 23 6).No
wonder, the Psalmist rejoiced at God’s mercy and when given at option to choose his
punishment, decided to fall into the hand of the Lord because he understood the
mercy of God (2 Samuel 24:14).
As a result of his mercy, we receive
salvation( Ephesians 2:4-6,1 Peter 1:3) and as we continue in our walk, our
failures and sins are forgiven( Psalms
51:1) yes of course we need to confess them (1 John 1:9).It is his mercy that
enables us to walk in the fear of the Lord. Our families are saved as a result of
his increased
mercy (Genesis 19:19 ),this mercy is an insurance policy for our children and grandchildren (Luke 1 50).As an outflow of mercy, marital
destines are fulfilled and partners are located(Genesis 34:1-25).Barren wombs
bear children in remembrance of God’s mercy and visitation (Luke 1:10-24,Genesis 30:2).God’s mercy is available to help us (Psalms 30:10)when we are sad (Psalms
31:9) , desolate ( Psalms 28:16), in
trouble ( Psalms 9:13 ) and brings
healing , causing blind eyes to be
opened ( Luke 18:38), mental illness to be cured (Matthew 17:15-18). His mercy
will make men and even our bosses to favour us Genesis 39:21). Celebration and
rejoicing occurs at our gates because of
the mercy of the Lord( Luke 1:58 ).Truth be told, all our prayers are answered
because of the mercy of God ( Psalms 4:1 ).But how can we access this mercy?
All we need to do is to come boldly to
Gods throne and obtain this mercy (Hebrews 4:16) and the Living Bible puts it
well by saying ”so let us come boldly to the very throne of
God and stay there to receive mercy and to find grace to help us in our
times of need”.God does not only delight in showing mercy but he delights in
those who hope in his mercy(Psalms 147: 10,11 ).
So this year I wish that more than ever we, being vessels of his mercy (Romans 9:24) all live under the reality of the new mercies of God daily with thanksgiving (2 Chronicles 16:34). Happy New Year and remember every day is new with his mercies.
In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer.
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