Friday, 4 July 2008

At last,she writes

Hi everyone,
I have had this baby[blog project] for so long that if it were in the medical realm, I would have been induced.
You will agree with me on the so many projects we can somehow start and not finish.
Thank God for some friends who will continue to make sure you are back on track and behave like our Father....yes, baba God who does not have any unfinished projects.

So this morning, as I began to rationalize again on my bed on how I did not have enough to start writing,I was asked quietly in my heart gently by that sweet voice ''how many fish did Andrew give to Jesus?'. I replied a few.Really yes ,to be precise two. ''And what was the result?''. The multitude got fed and it was really a multitude was my quiet reply to the second question and then it dawned on me.

God was asking me to use whatever I had now and believe that it would have an impact, I should use my availability and not begin to check how accurate I was. I once read somewhere that most of the work in ministry is showing up.

So friends, I will leave you with the word that whatever you have now can be used. Little becomes much as you place it in the Master's hands. No matter how that gift, talent or even time is, you can put it to use.
And be encouraged, start today.


Dr jay 002676250212 said...

It has been past a month now since you last wrote. perhaps i expected so much when you finally posted that last script...perhaps your schedule for writing is different from what i anticipated. i have longed on daily, then weekly to see what "she" was writing. i will now log on only monthly.

Have a plan..write and write again, it gets easier and better when you do. joel.

Remi, United Kingdom said...

Hey girl, just a quick note to say I was here oh...
Update, update, update..

Hope you are good..
speak soon
Much love