Sunday, 30 March 2014

Lessons from my Mother-a Pastor's wife:Mrs E.Z

Mrs Elizabeth Zechariah

My mother taught me a lot by the decisions she made. I learnt that in long term relationships, I should commit to only people of like minds as she showed in her choice of a life partner, my father who  was also from a priestly lineage like her.
Although my parents were dedicated godly believers, they did not have any children. I am learning not to judge people by their problems and think that a current challenge is a result of sin.
I also learnt from her the importance of serving God for who He is and not for what He can give. As a pastor's wife, she continued to support my dad and encouraged him to be faithful in his priestly duties until one day during the course of duty, my birth was announced to my dad by an angel and their prayers for a child  was answered.

My mother seemed to be strongly conscious of her relationships and taught me the art of recognizing and spending time with people who “cause the baby in your womb to leap”. This she did with my second cousin Mary came to visit her when she was pregnant and stayed with my mum for three months. 
They learnt a lot from each other during their pregnancies although at different stages and were both strengthened to give birth to their “babies” when they parted. This has made me to continue take the time to invest in destiny oriented relationships knowing that every Mary needs an Elizabeth.

She also taught me to honour my father. This was shown when there was a contest as to the name I should be called. She told our relations who were disagreeable but she asked them to ask my father who wrote "his name shall be called John" and wonder of wonders, my father who had been dumb since the conception of my pregnancy began talking again!

Giving birth to me in her old age brought joy to my mum who had been written off as barren teaching me God may not answer when I want but His answer  will be right on time.

Happy Mother’s day.

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