Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Living a life of Gratitude 3:gratitude to God

“I will always thank the Lord, I will never stop praising him” .Psalms 34:1 Good News Translation.
“Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this”.1 Thessalonians 5:18 God’s Word Translation.

In our pursuit of living a life of gratitude daily, gratitude to God must become a foremost priority but the peculiarity of showing gratitude to an invisible God may pose challenges and certain religious ideas may have reduced it to become associated only with the grace before meals or bedtime prayers.   

We can show our gratitude to God for the life we have by living it to the fullest. Every day should be received with excitement as a present perfectly packaged and delivered to us (Psalms 68:19). The uniqueness of our being means that we have all been specially wired by the manufacturer with particular gifts and talents. The usage of these gifts and talents bestowed on us coupled with a healthy love for ourselves is another way of expressing our gratitude to God. Envying others and playing the comparison game may actually be a sign of ingratitude.

Taking care of our bodies by not moving to the extremes under the guise of dieting, exercising, medication, work, recreation, eating and drinking is another way of showing our gratitude to God. Also putting the very best in our work shows that we are grateful to God that He has provided us with a means of sustenance and increase .Taking the time to develop our minds and improving our intellect also signifies gratitude. Telling others of the goodness of God and the change he has made in our life is another means of expression. 

Singing songs of praise which sometimes are Psalms is a well-known method of giving God thanks. However a closer look at the Psalms show the writers were specific about things they were grateful for (Psalms 103:3, 4; 104:13-15). The more specific thanksgiving is, the more meaningful and personal it becomes. We can also imitate these ancient saints by having a written record of the good things God does for us. I do have one which I call my “Thanksgiving diary” and the blessedness of going through it at times when I am down is unparalleled. I encourage you to start keeping one today. This is because there are times when we may not be able to trace God but by means of such records, we are able to recall all that He has done in the past which then serves as a springboard for our faith and prayers. 

Our goal should be to make our lives an ongoing expression of gratitude to God. In developing this attitude, we need to be intentional and consistent. Sometimes having reminders or prompts during the day to stop and thank God can help in achieving this goal. This is because a life of gratitude is not optional, it is the way to truly live.

Yours in Him,
Grace Tom-Lawyer

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