ushers us into the presence of God (Psalms 100:4; 22:4). An atmosphere of
gratitude is conducive for miracles (John 11:42, Mark 6:41). Gratitude obeys
the law of sowing and reaping .The more gratitude we sow, the more we are
likely to see more to be grateful for or be given more to be grateful for. The
leper who returned to give thanks was not just healed but made whole (Luke
Secondly, it
is safe to also say that gratitude serves as the platform from which we can
make further requests (Philippians 4:6). Most times unfortunately like the Israelites,
what was once a miracle soon becomes the reason for complaining (Exodus
16:11-16; Numbers 11:6). There is no need to ask God for more if we are not
grateful for what we presently have.
Thirdly, gratitude
keeps discouragement at bay (Psalms 42:5). It reminds us of the goodness of God,
engages our trust in his abilities and averts despair (Psalms 27:13). Living a
life of gratitude reduces stress, especially from unnecessary competition or
envy (2 Corinthians 10:12). The spirit of covetousness is usually halted by
gratitude. It is a sure forerunner of peace (Philippians 4:6-7; Colossians 3:15).
Fourthly, gratitude
enhances our relationship with others. People feel appreciated and receive a
boost to their self-esteem when we express gratitude. This not only puts them
at ease but makes us more attractive and sociable. Sometimes a compliment is
all it takes to turn a stranger into a friend (Ruth 3:11; 1 Samuel 25:28). As
we recognize the contributions of others, we are kept from pride and hence
afforded the boon of being humble. God resists the proud (James 4:6) and people
are not generally willing to do more for the person who loves to take all the
Finally, a life of
gratitude ensures we are not robbed of the beauty of the present. Being set
free by it, we can enjoy the now without being stuck in the “good old days” or
an “anticipated future" (Psalms 118:24).Life’s frustrations are more
bearable with an attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude is
a seasoning. It permeates all aspects of our lives. Nothing enriches our lives
or relationships like a grateful spirit. Memories become pleasant when filled
with gratitude. We should be grateful for both the spectacular and the
seemingly ordinary. If we cultivate and nurture this attitude, we will be recipients
of its multi-faceted benefits.
Grace Tom-Lawyer
This is a nice ending to this series well done!
It is so easy to forget that there are people who are praying for the things we are taking for granted!keep me grateful O Lord
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