Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Palm Sunday:Fit for the Master's Use 1
Today ,we commemorate the Triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem(Mark 11:1-11) . In many traditional churches, palm fronds will be used for decoration. These palm fronds represent the fronds along with the clothes people put on the way which the colt stepped on as it carried Jesus(Mark 11:7-8) .Several years ago, I learnt somethings about this colt which I would love to build on.
This colt was tied and had never been ridden before(Mark 11:2,Luke 19:30). Until a certain day came, when Jesus sent for the colt to be brought. Jesus did not only give a vivid description of where the colt was but an answer to give anyone who might oppose its untying.The disciples found the colt exactly as Jesus described (Mark 11:4) and untied it.They also answered the owners who asked the reason for the untying ( Mark 11:5-6 ).The colt now loosed carried Jesus into Jerusalem thus fulfilling prophecy( Zechariah 9:9,Isaiah 62:11).There is no doubt in our minds today what would have happened if this colt had become rebellious and impatient and left the place where it was tied.
It is so comforting to know that Jesus cared enough to know the address of the colt.He knows ours (Hebrews 13:8) .Like the colt, there is a place where God wants us to be(Acts 17:26,Matthew 24:46).For us to be fit for the Master's use,we must remain there , tied and ready until the master sends for us to serve.
Happy Palm Sunday,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Friday, 27 March 2015
Use your Brains
This article was written in honour of the Brain Awareness Week 2015,enjoy the read.
"Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity".Romans 12:2 (J.B.Phillips)
2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". Romans 12:2 King James Version
Growing up, the phrase "use your brains" was usually used to alert one to not allow emotions cloud common sense.In the medical school, we were taught that medulla oblongata referred to only a part of the brain and were awed about the complex processes that took place in an organ of its size.
This morning as I studied, the phrase "be not conformed" caught my attention in Romans 12;2.I looked it up in a the concordance and found out that to be conformed means "to change outwardly, to do so without thinking, just to be part of the blend , usually it does not take effort,a passive reflexively"but the next change in the verse is be transformed which means a "change from the inside out,change after being with".Conform comes from the Greek word "suscheimatizo" which is used only twice in scriptures unlike transformed which comes from another Greek word,"metamorphoo"and has several references.
The reason for this I believe is that God is interested in our consciously changing our minds(although our spirits are born-again, our minds which is the seat of our emotions is not),in a change that comes from the inside based on the word of God. This is more likely to be permanent and if we notice carefully, in this process the verb is by the renewing of our minds. Renewing as we were taught in Grammar is a continuous tense. It is not a once for all event, but a process that takes place on a daily basis .No matter how beautifully dressed we are today, there will always be a need to use the mirror before we step out of our houses tomorrow. This mirror can be likened to the word of God which helps us to correct ourselves (James 1:22-24).
It is not always easy as it is actually requires less work to conform, blend and just be part of the crowd. This may take place sometimes by the way we imbibe the world's culture and mannerisms as depicted by the media.But for any child of God to make a difference anywhere,then transformation must be the watchword. I am not advocating that we behave like weirdos although to be honest,the Christian walk will always be a bit strange to a non-believer.
The brain is the human computer and whatever we put in is what we will get,although this might not be in the exact form as imputed.The goal of transformation is that as we prove what is we prove what is good,acceptable and perfect,we become like Jesus(2 Corinthians 3:18) which is the work of the Holy Spirit via the vehicle of the word of God.The more of the word of God we allow into our spirits and practice, the more we are likely to be transformed and become more like Jesus.
In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
"Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity".Romans 12:2 (J.B.Phillips)
2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". Romans 12:2 King James Version
Growing up, the phrase "use your brains" was usually used to alert one to not allow emotions cloud common sense.In the medical school, we were taught that medulla oblongata referred to only a part of the brain and were awed about the complex processes that took place in an organ of its size.
This morning as I studied, the phrase "be not conformed" caught my attention in Romans 12;2.I looked it up in a the concordance and found out that to be conformed means "to change outwardly, to do so without thinking, just to be part of the blend , usually it does not take effort,a passive reflexively"but the next change in the verse is be transformed which means a "change from the inside out,change after being with".Conform comes from the Greek word "suscheimatizo" which is used only twice in scriptures unlike transformed which comes from another Greek word,"metamorphoo"and has several references.
The reason for this I believe is that God is interested in our consciously changing our minds(although our spirits are born-again, our minds which is the seat of our emotions is not),in a change that comes from the inside based on the word of God. This is more likely to be permanent and if we notice carefully, in this process the verb is by the renewing of our minds. Renewing as we were taught in Grammar is a continuous tense. It is not a once for all event, but a process that takes place on a daily basis .No matter how beautifully dressed we are today, there will always be a need to use the mirror before we step out of our houses tomorrow. This mirror can be likened to the word of God which helps us to correct ourselves (James 1:22-24).
It is not always easy as it is actually requires less work to conform, blend and just be part of the crowd. This may take place sometimes by the way we imbibe the world's culture and mannerisms as depicted by the media.But for any child of God to make a difference anywhere,then transformation must be the watchword. I am not advocating that we behave like weirdos although to be honest,the Christian walk will always be a bit strange to a non-believer.
The brain is the human computer and whatever we put in is what we will get,although this might not be in the exact form as imputed.The goal of transformation is that as we prove what is we prove what is good,acceptable and perfect,we become like Jesus(2 Corinthians 3:18) which is the work of the Holy Spirit via the vehicle of the word of God.The more of the word of God we allow into our spirits and practice, the more we are likely to be transformed and become more like Jesus.
In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Sunday, 22 March 2015
World Water Day
Many years ago ,during a "Miss World"competition, one of the contestants was asked :"What three items would you take with if left on the desert?, and her answer was;.a blanket,a bottle of water and a Bible. I was very pleased at the wisdom of her answer as water and the Word of God are essential things.for life.As we celebrate World Water Day today,the many uses of water in its various forms justify the need to mark a day for it.As important as it is , there is the likelihood that its availability in some parts of the world might dampen our enthusiasm to celebrate it and take it for granted.
But Jesus never took water for granted. His ministry was identified by it(John had to baptize to know him John 1:21) and even the first miracle he performed was changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana (John 2:11). Jesus was not too busy to attend a wedding.
In so many different ways , water is like the Word of God.The source of both God's word and water is God(John 1:1;Gen 1:6). More of the earth is made up of water as well as two thirds of our bodies..Just like water is essential in the process of cleaning our bodies, the Word of God serves as a cleansing agent for us.According to the Scriptures, Christ purified the Church and sanctified it by the washing of water by Word of God(Ephesians 5:26).
In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
But Jesus never took water for granted. His ministry was identified by it(John had to baptize to know him John 1:21) and even the first miracle he performed was changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana (John 2:11). Jesus was not too busy to attend a wedding.
In so many different ways , water is like the Word of God.The source of both God's word and water is God(John 1:1;Gen 1:6). More of the earth is made up of water as well as two thirds of our bodies..Just like water is essential in the process of cleaning our bodies, the Word of God serves as a cleansing agent for us.According to the Scriptures, Christ purified the Church and sanctified it by the washing of water by Word of God(Ephesians 5:26).
Unlike physical water which we would always have to go to a source to get, the word of God can become ingrained in our hearts so that we become the outlet for a flow of rivers of living water.This was the great discovery of the woman at the well(John 4).
As we mark this World Water day,we are encouraged to be grateful for both physical and spiritual water with an emphasis on non- wastage and the need to promote the use of pure water as it relates to the Word of God(11 Tim 2:15).In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
St.Patrick Day
Today the nations of Ireland and Northern Ireland and some states in America celebrate St.Patrick and they do have reasons to celebrate their Patron Saint.He is purported to have brought Christianity into Ireland and that in itself is the most significant thing anyone can do.He explored the virgin land and must have worked tirelessly and selflessly during his time and several generations are still celebrating his life.
I am quite sure that he would not have done this thinking that there would be a day allocated to him generations after he died.It is interesting to also note that today marks his death as opposed to his birth.which may support what Solomon said when he said better is the end of the matter than beginning. Although we may not like it, he also said better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of rejoicing . It may probably be because being in the house of mourning sort of makes us to be sober and think.
A lot of people might argue that the celebration has changed over the years and may not be as religiously inclined over the years. Although this may be true, I will not still fail to enjoin us to celebrate the life of someone who did what Apostle Paul may have probably done during his missionary journeys.Any one who has pioneered any work before can say it is usually a time of planting , watering and harvesting.But no matter what work is done, it is God that gives the increase.
As we celebrate the life of St.Patrick today, I would like to cross examine my life once again to see how much I am doing that will remain after I have long gone. How much of my time is being spent in investing in the changing of lives. It may not seem much but the little we do can be given to God so trusting that he would use it to make a difference in the lives of those he affords us the privilege to meet.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Grace Tom-Lawyer
I am quite sure that he would not have done this thinking that there would be a day allocated to him generations after he died.It is interesting to also note that today marks his death as opposed to his birth.which may support what Solomon said when he said better is the end of the matter than beginning. Although we may not like it, he also said better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of rejoicing . It may probably be because being in the house of mourning sort of makes us to be sober and think.
A lot of people might argue that the celebration has changed over the years and may not be as religiously inclined over the years. Although this may be true, I will not still fail to enjoin us to celebrate the life of someone who did what Apostle Paul may have probably done during his missionary journeys.Any one who has pioneered any work before can say it is usually a time of planting , watering and harvesting.But no matter what work is done, it is God that gives the increase.
As we celebrate the life of St.Patrick today, I would like to cross examine my life once again to see how much I am doing that will remain after I have long gone. How much of my time is being spent in investing in the changing of lives. It may not seem much but the little we do can be given to God so trusting that he would use it to make a difference in the lives of those he affords us the privilege to meet.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Sunday, 15 March 2015
She is......mother
She certainly did not plan her life like this. It was not something she wished even her enemies, to be left with a teenage son to take care of ,alone.Her life had been a result of decisions made by others.One of them had ushered her into the joys of motherhood over a dozen years ago,another decision had modified her name, she was now a single mother.
Not many of us may be able to travel back in time to feel what Hagar felt as her status changed in the household of Abraham.She had come in as a slave and according to tradition, she had done this willingly having followed the family as they left Egypt at one time.But no sooner had she settled in before she noticed that there was a void in the life of her employers as her master did not have a heir.She may have prayed for them not knowing that one day she would be called upon to bear the heir and this she dutifully did as God blessed her with a son..Her son was vital in the household until the miraculous birth of his step brother.
In so many ways Hagar represents so many mothers in our present generation who have had their hopes dashed as they find themselves left at the throes of parenting,alone Although some of these fathers have been snatched out by death or divorce, a vast majority of them had simply walked away without looking back or the thought of doing so.Truth be told,these men were not ready for the responsibility of fatherhood,and were just sperm donors.With an epidemic of increasing"absent fathers" many mothers now have to fend for both themselves and their children and often than not, they are not appreciated. Rather they are seen as threats. Not everyone appreciates the extent of the sacrifice and all it entails for these women to be both mother and father to their children,.
But Hagar's story encourages us as we observe her during her pregnancy crisis. Due to the harsh treatment inflicted by her mistress, she ran away .only to be met by the Angel of the Lord on her return journey.For the first time,she was addressed by her name directly whn the Angel of the Lord spoke to her.. This is important to note for out of all the twelve Scriptural references to Hagar, it is only on this occasion in the Old Testament that she is called her name. Even her employers never referred to her by name,rather she was "Sarah's handmaid",one of the servant girls, and sometimes for the single mother who is on welfare support or waiting for some hand me downs,it is very tempting to begin to see herself as a statistics.This need not be the case as we see God's abundant care displayed as the Angel went further .Not only did he mention her name but he made her aware that he knew her address, her employers,and even that she was pregnant. Without the use of scans,he told her the sex of her baby and even gave a name to the baby while talking about his future.How comforting that was for Hagar and for us today.
There might be no cards or flowers from the father of your children and who knows you may not know the father.It does not really matter how you got into single parenthood, God still calls your name as he called Hagar's name He is concerned about single mothers hence Hagar's story is recorded.He appreciates all your labour and knows all about your circumstances.He loves you so much and I have written today on his behalf to wish you and every other mother a Happy Mother's day.
Happy Mother's Day
Grace Tom-Lawyer
Not many of us may be able to travel back in time to feel what Hagar felt as her status changed in the household of Abraham.She had come in as a slave and according to tradition, she had done this willingly having followed the family as they left Egypt at one time.But no sooner had she settled in before she noticed that there was a void in the life of her employers as her master did not have a heir.She may have prayed for them not knowing that one day she would be called upon to bear the heir and this she dutifully did as God blessed her with a son..Her son was vital in the household until the miraculous birth of his step brother.
In so many ways Hagar represents so many mothers in our present generation who have had their hopes dashed as they find themselves left at the throes of parenting,alone Although some of these fathers have been snatched out by death or divorce, a vast majority of them had simply walked away without looking back or the thought of doing so.Truth be told,these men were not ready for the responsibility of fatherhood,and were just sperm donors.With an epidemic of increasing"absent fathers" many mothers now have to fend for both themselves and their children and often than not, they are not appreciated. Rather they are seen as threats. Not everyone appreciates the extent of the sacrifice and all it entails for these women to be both mother and father to their children,.
But Hagar's story encourages us as we observe her during her pregnancy crisis. Due to the harsh treatment inflicted by her mistress, she ran away .only to be met by the Angel of the Lord on her return journey.For the first time,she was addressed by her name directly whn the Angel of the Lord spoke to her.. This is important to note for out of all the twelve Scriptural references to Hagar, it is only on this occasion in the Old Testament that she is called her name. Even her employers never referred to her by name,rather she was "Sarah's handmaid",one of the servant girls, and sometimes for the single mother who is on welfare support or waiting for some hand me downs,it is very tempting to begin to see herself as a statistics.This need not be the case as we see God's abundant care displayed as the Angel went further .Not only did he mention her name but he made her aware that he knew her address, her employers,and even that she was pregnant. Without the use of scans,he told her the sex of her baby and even gave a name to the baby while talking about his future.How comforting that was for Hagar and for us today.
There might be no cards or flowers from the father of your children and who knows you may not know the father.It does not really matter how you got into single parenthood, God still calls your name as he called Hagar's name He is concerned about single mothers hence Hagar's story is recorded.He appreciates all your labour and knows all about your circumstances.He loves you so much and I have written today on his behalf to wish you and every other mother a Happy Mother's day.
Happy Mother's Day
Grace Tom-Lawyer
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