But Jesus never took water for granted. His ministry was identified by it(John had to baptize to know him John 1:21) and even the first miracle he performed was changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana (John 2:11). Jesus was not too busy to attend a wedding.
In so many different ways , water is like the Word of God.The source of both God's word and water is God(John 1:1;Gen 1:6). More of the earth is made up of water as well as two thirds of our bodies..Just like water is essential in the process of cleaning our bodies, the Word of God serves as a cleansing agent for us.According to the Scriptures, Christ purified the Church and sanctified it by the washing of water by Word of God(Ephesians 5:26).
Unlike physical water which we would always have to go to a source to get, the word of God can become ingrained in our hearts so that we become the outlet for a flow of rivers of living water.This was the great discovery of the woman at the well(John 4).
As we mark this World Water day,we are encouraged to be grateful for both physical and spiritual water with an emphasis on non- wastage and the need to promote the use of pure water as it relates to the Word of God(11 Tim 2:15).In His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
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