Sunday, 21 June 2015

The Perfect Father:The Father of Glory

The Father of Glory 
Some weeks ago I attended another Church and listened to a lady share on how on how going through  her grandmother's things, she discovered that the space on her father's name had filled Not known. She thought that definitely a check on the wedding certificate would reveal otherwise but to her dismay, it was still recorded as "Not Known".There may be varying degrees at which different people will relate to that but almost everyone of us can appreciate that that must have brought a degree of shame to that lady's mother and I can imagine that days like this must have been particularly difficult for her. It is one thing for your father to be absent,unavailable each with its own peculiarity but not known denotes with it some degree of shame.
But one of the names the beloved Apostle Paul called God was he referred to him as the father of glory and God loves to add  glory to our lives. No matter how the matter of fatherhood has brought some form of shame to anyone, God delights in bringing  glory, he delights in restoring the place of fatherhood to one that can be referred to as and looked upon with Glory. And to say that God is the father of glory also means that God is the source of Glory , even when Jesus walked  

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