So we have come to the time once again in the year where a day is set apart for us to honor our Fathers. Literally most people take this to be the man who gave seed to them while some others prefer to use that name for the man who may not have contributed biologically but one who has done all that man could have done or refused to do.
It is interesting that when it comes to Father's Day, there seems to be a universal day unlike the Mother;s Day celebration that is marked in the United Kingdom in the month of March and celebrated in May in the United States of America.Does it mean that women cannot just agree to one thing compared to men?I guess it is food for thought.
But as the celebrations began this weekend, and I listened to some programmes for the Men, I heard someone say something about Fatherhood that was quite profound and it is the fact that fathers are the only side of our parents that share the same name with God.We refer to God as our heavenly Rather and several people in Scriptures referred to him as Father,even Jesus (
What a honour the men have to share a name with God and how the responsibilities and privileges of Fatherhood ought to be taken more seriously as it is the relationship a child has with the earthly father that will most likely form the basis of their relationship and perception of God,the Father of all.Some fathers today may truthfully say that they have not modelled God properly and may be the cause of the strained relationship between their wards and God.How can this be amendedApostle Paul said, "I bow my knees to God the Father by whom all families are named.... "(Ephesians 3:14-15).Remember it is from this same God that every good and perfect gift or blessings are derived (James 1:17).So the blessings come from an acceptance of the authority of God. Note that Apostle Paul bowed his knees to God the Father as a sign of worship and surrender.To get the blessings that come from God the Father of all the families of the earth,there is a choice. You can either run into his loving arms and surrender by bowing down on your knees.A man brought to his knees is not only at a place of surrender but vulnerability and utter dependence which is something God can handle or you can stand aloof and judge him by the fathers we have known.But I encourage you to run to him today because he is a good good Father and the only Perfect one, full of mercies and good thoughts about us.
I join to celebrate all the men who are fathers in whatever kind of capacity, enjoy your weekend and HAPPY Father's Day.
With loving thoughts,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
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