Thursday, 24 November 2016

On the way to the Palace 18-The Pit

That-he-might-sanctify “ Now when Joseph reached his brothers, they stripped him of his tunic ,the {distinctive } multicoloured tunic which he was wearing 24 then they took him and threw him into the pit. Now the pit was empty,there was no water in it”- Genesis 37:23-24 AMP Amplified Bible .
­­“When Joseph reached his brothers ,they ripped off the fancy coat he was wearing ,grabbed him and threw into a cistern.The cistern was dry ;there wasn’t any water in it”.- Genesis 37:23-24 MSG The Message 

 It will not always be rosy for the man on the way to the Palace as we see in the life of Joseph. Working so hard to please his father, the only reward he gets is a harsh and brutal treatment from his brothers. They take away his coat of many colours which his father gave before dumping him into the pit. Just before we get into a pit situation(which we see eventually happens ) to everyman on the way to the Palace is an attempt by the enemy to strip us of apparent evidences of the father’s love. 

 Eventually Joseph is thrown into the pit and a salient point  to note about this pit was that it was dry. Several commentaries talk about how deep the pit was and how impossible it would have been for Joseph  to climb out of the pit himself without assistance  but it is important to realize that this pit which could have collected water did not have any water in it.

Figuratively in the Bible, water is usually used to represent the word of God(Eph 5:26-27; (Ezk 36:25; Heb 10:22) which is another essential commodity we should have whenever we find ourselves in a pit situation. In the pit situation we find Joseph, there is no evidence of external water however I believe strongly that he had God’s word and promises  dwelling within him which kept him in the pit.The Word of God that we know is what would most likely see us through the pit situation(John 8:32). 

The pit is not a desirable place and many times when we find ourselves in it, we might be sorely tempted with the shoulda,woulda ,why me question. But rather than living with regrets or of thoughts of what might have been , it is wisdom to  ensure that our pit is not dry and the word of God is dwelling richly in us(Colossians  3:16 ). There is a peace that is present as a result of the knowledge of the word of God which we have(1 Peter 1:3).

Yours in His Love,
Grace Tom-Lawyer.

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