And Aaron told them everything the Lord had said to Moses…and they
believed. And when they heard the Lord was concerned about them and had seen
their misery, they bowed down and worshiped. Exodus 4:30-31 NIV New
International Version
One of the promises of Jesus which we hardly pick in promise boxes
is “…. in this world you will have
trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world”. John 16:33.Storms are an essential part of our
lives. We are either going through
one, have just gone through one or will soon go through one. The children of
Israel were also in a storm. They had been in slavery in the land of Egypt for
over 400 years and finally they received the above message. Their response of
worship to the concern of God is commendable and worthy of emulation.
Firstly they heard; what are we hearing and who are we giving our
ears to? This is because what we hear will determine what we eventually believe
and what we believe will be evidenced by either worshiping or complaining. And
in hearing, we have to be selective to make sure that we do not
allow the facts to confuse the truth. The fact of their situation was that they
were still in slavery but the truth of the matter was that they had a promise
of deliverance from a concerned God.
Secondly they believed; they believed the word of God concerning
their situation. If we do not take the time to discover what the word of God
says concerning an issue, we will not have a basis for believing.
Finally the people bowed to worship; they were able to bow to worship
because they believed. They worshiped him when he had not done anything for them
yet. But they had heard enough of him to trust himWe do not worship sometimes because we do not believe or know him.
Studying our Bibles on a regular basis will help us know God more.The more we know him, the more we will find it easier to worship
him. The reality of the depth of our knowledge is made apparent when we go
through storms.
As we mature in the Christian faith, it is imperative that our
response to the storms of life is worship on a consistent basis. So these days
when I find that my response is not worship, I check to ensure that I have been
hearing and believing the right things.
My encouragement this week is that we continue to seek to know
God, to go beyond our present circumstances and worship him because of who He is.
One of my pastor’s wife put it nicely “He has a track record of a 100%
satisfaction guarantee”.
God is concerned and deserves our worship.
Grace Tom-lawyer.
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