Monday, 5 May 2014

God is Concerned.

 "God saw the children of Israel and God was concerned about them" Exodus 2:25 WEB World English Bible version
"God saw the troubles of the people [sons, children] of Israel, and he was concerned about [took note] of them”. Exodus 2:25 EXB The Expanded Bible version

 Last month as I began to go through the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, I took notice of the deeds that were done by faith and was reminded that it was by faith that Moses kept the Passover. A closer look at the Passover was richly rewarded with great truths that led me to study the call of Moses who was sent as the deliverer in Exodus 3. When God met Moses, He spoke the following words “…I have seen the troubles my people suffered in Egypt, and I have heard their cries when the Egyptian slave masters hurt them. I am concerned about their pain”. Exodus 3:7 NCV New Century Version.The  Passover happened because  of God’s concern.

 You may think that the various events in the world must mean He is not running it. How can there be a God in the midst of all the chaos and all the troubles but the thing about God that gives me comfort is that He is concerned. He was concerned about the plight of his people in Egypt. He remembered his covenant with their forefathers and I am convinced that He has not forgotten his covenant with me. He has said he will never leave us. The concern of God is not passive as we see in his searching for Moses to go and deliver his people. God also was concerned about the fall of man and thus sent Jesus to pay the price so as to redeem us and no matter what we are facing today, my encouragement is that we have a God who is concerned and also concerned about his word and keeping  his promises. In short, God orchestrated circumstances to ensure that the crucifixion of Jesus fell in the Passover week. This Easter as we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus the true Passover lamb, let us remember that for the  first Passover that God was concerned enough to train a man for 40 years. So sometimes it may seem to us that nothing is happening but in reality, God is working behind the scenes. One of the beautiful things he said to Moses is “… I have seen the troubles….”, yes God sees it all and He is concerned. I pondered for almost a week thinking about the concern of God for me and I want you to know no matter what you are going through, God is concerned.

Child of a Concerned God,
Grace Tom-Lawyer

P.S:I wrote this post last month but due to numerous travels was unable to post it, it was meant for Easter week but the message is still relevant. 

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