Saturday, 20 December 2014

"12 Years a Slave or More"

And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free”.-John 8:32 Amplified Bible

Earlier on this year, I and two girlfriends of mine decided to go and watch the film"12 Years a Slave" immediately it was released. It was worth every penny. By the time we left the cinema, I realized that I had not only been entertained but also challenged to do some soul searching with provoking thoughts which I decided to share only when the film becomes available in DVD form. Talk of delayed gratification!

I noticed that as the film progressed, it was easy to empathize with the increasing frustration of Solomon Northup (acted superbly by Chiwetel Ejiofor) who had been deceived, kidnapped and sold into slavery. Following a failed attempt at escape, he is forced to hide the truth about his literacy but eventually gains his freedom with the help of a kindly labourer Bass(Brad Pitt).

At the end of the film I was left in tears but as I reached out for a tissue, the disturbing thought of   how Solomon Northup's   loss of freedom was enacted by a change of location (from Saratoga, New York to New Orleans) crossed my mind. Could a change of location possibly mean or lead to a change in the status of liberty? This location need not be physical as seen in the film. Unfortunately, there is every possibility of being free in some areas while still held captive in others.

What then is the definition of freedom and how can real freedom be attained and maintained? Can one transfer freedom or its principles to other areas of life so that it can be experienced in all facets of life? Is there a process of freedom or is it a once for all event? We shall be considering these issues in greater detail in the New Year but I just thought that we might as well start the ball rolling.

As we celebrate  this season, let us remember that the purpose of the birth of Christ is to set us free(regardless of  how long  we have been held bound) and that God intends this freedom to be thorough and complete. It is however through our cooperation with the Holy Spirit that we can attain this freedom in all of its entirety.

Remember the reason for the season,

Grace Tom-Lawyer

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