Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Presents or Presence

"Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...."-Isaiah 9:6 KJV

"This is how much God loved the world:He gave his Son,his one and only Son.And this is why:so that no one needs to be destroyed ,by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life".For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"-John 3:16 -The Message 

Earlier on this year,I listened to Priscilla Shearer share one of those moments she had with two of her children some Christmases ago when they were much younger.Her two sons were about to open their presents when her husband decided  it was necessary to seize the opportunity to impart some spiritual truth. "Boys,whose birthday is it that we are celebrating?"he asked.The older son replied,"Jesus" while the younger son had a look again at all the Christmas presents,the decorations and the lights and asked "Am I Jesus?". She and her husband had a good laugh and I am sure you are having one too.

The stakes are probably high that you may have bought at least one present or presents for some people in this season and hopefully ,this would have been done within the budget without  the use of a  credit card.Unlike the very first Christmas when Jesus received gifts from the wise men(Matthew 2:11),these days everyone else  seems to receive gifts on behalf of the Celebrant.

But Christmas should not be about receiving  presents alone neither should the fact that we are unable to buy any presents or as many as we would like to  be a cause of disharmony in the home.This is because the birth of Jesus itself is a present from God to mankind(Isaiah 9:6).This gift has also left us with a responsibility to accept(in other words" believe" - John 3:16)  on one hand but unlike the wise men who brought physical presents, we  are also required to give back and present ourselves to God(Romans 12:2).

Christmas presents  are given once a year but  the  present of the birth of a Saviour leaves us  a presence that is available all year round. It  is honouring this presence  that  the first Christmas brought that we should make a priority always.

Choose the Presence above the Presents
Grace Tom-Lawyer

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