Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Error of Balaam 8- The Error of Stubborness

18 Then Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak, “Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more. 19 Now therefore, please, you also stay here tonight, that I may know what more the Lord will say to me.”
20 And God came to Balaam at night and said to him, “If the men come to call you, rise and go with them; but only the word which I speak to you—that you shall do.” 21 So Balaam rose in the morning, saddled his donkey, and went with the princes of Moab. V.12, 20, 22 Numbers 22:18-21 NKJV New King James Version
“That night God came to Balaam and said, “Since these men have come to summon you, go with them, but do only what I tell you.”-Numbers 22:20  NIV  New International Version

Several versions give different renditions to the reply of God to Balaam at this second visit. Some commentators say that God only gave Balaam permission to go if the men came to call him(as seen in the King James Version ) and that since there is no record of the men coming to call him, then he should not have gone.The New International Version however renders verse 20 of  God's reply as "Since the men have come to call you ",making it appear that God had no choice in the matter as the men had come again. However, most commentators  generally agree on one point which is that the permission of Balaam to go was conditional.This grudging permission  did not seem to deter Balaam from going ahead with Balak's request. The heart of Balaam was clearly  fixed  with a mind of his own and although we are more apt  to use the word for children, the error we see here is "Stubbornness".

So what is stubbornness? According to Meiam –Webster Dictionary, Stubbornness is unreasonably or perversely unyielding, resolute, performed or carried on in an unyielding ,obstinate or persistent manner.One is said to be stubborn when he is obstinate,inflexibly fixed in opinion;not  to be moved or persuaded by reasons or is inflexible.There is a good side to  stubbornness as there are times we need to be inflexibly fixed  about some issues but our focus for now is  on wilful stubbornness here and its dire consequences  as seen here and  in other Biblical characters such as Pharoah(Exodus 13:15) and Saul(1 Samuel 15;1-24).

The Prophet Samuel put his finger on the very root when he told  King Saul that stubbornness  is as  the sin of iniquity and  idolatry(1 Samuel 15: 23) and  although we usually associate idolatry with graven images, the idolatry of stubbornness is our failure to give God the rightful place to have the first and final say in our lives.This  is because there is another god we have chosen to obey which sadly if truth be told,is ourselves.The position of stubbornness is one that is far from righteousness(Isaiah 46:12).When we are stubborn, we do not pay attention to God (Zechariah 7:11),resist the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit (Acts 7.51) and find a reason to be an exception to the rule like Balaam.

There are several reasons for stubbornness amongst which include pride (Nehemiah 9:16) and ignorance( Ephesians 4:18).Not left without consequences,Stubbornness makes us go backwards and not forward in our relationship with God (Jeremiah 7:24) Although  God loves hearts that are quick to repentance,Stubbornness makes repentance  fractious .In relation to our fellow men, Stubbornness  causes insistence on our own way almost all the time which  shows lack of consideration for others, making them feel devalued. It can also lead to unreasonable behaviour(Gen 49 5-6) which ultimately  destroys relationships.

An attitude of the heart,Stubbornness  may be subtle and an error to watch out for especially as it  has been equated with the sin of  idolatry. The very first commandment warns us against idolatry (Exodus 20:3) and in Old Testament  Bible times, stubbornness was such a serious issue that a stubborn child was surrendered by his parents to be killed(Deuteronomy 21:18-20).For us today,it is not a  stubborn child but “ourselves” , the "I" also referred to as the "flesh" which in a nutshell is anything rising in opposition to the plan and will of God(Galatians 5:17).The same cruel treatment given to a stubborn child  has to be given to the flesh to ensure it does not usurp the authority of the Spirit(Romans 6:11-12,Galatians 5:16).We are  indeed admonished to kill the flesh( Romans 8:13).This is a daily struggle(Luke 9:24-27) which even the great Apostle Paul admitted to having(Romans 7:21-25)..One of the secrets to avoiding  this error is to be yielded to the Spirit with a continuous daily filling(Galatians 5:16, Ephesians 5:18 ) while maintaining a heart that is quick to repent(Proverbs 28:13-14).Let us remember that continuous stubbornness will lead to destruction (Proverbs 29:1 )  as we ultimately see in the life of Balaam( Numbers 31:8).God promises to guide and lead us in the best pathway as long as we are not stubborn like the mule (Psalms 32:8-9). Lord deliver us from stubbornness and idolatry(1 John 5:21).

Yours in His Service,
Grace Tom-Lawyer.

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