we were young, my siblings and I were sometimes naughty as all children are but
a quick supervisory look by my mother quickly made us make some
readjustments.As I grew older,I realized that this experience was not
uncommon with my contemporaries and that the look is referred to as
the "Mama's eye".Without words, this eye had a way of
communicating several messages which were best yielded to in order
to avoid discipline later.The "Mama's eye" told you when to sit
down, stand up, not accept a gift or food you seriously wanted to,it gave
you the final warning and the one that promised you would cry later.Due
to inexperience, sometimes the youngest child may not decipher what was
required by just a look and thus further necessitate the use of words
with greater mercy in the area of punishment when compared to an
older child who stubbornly refused to heed to warnings
following several looks.
God sent an angel to oppose him but both Balaam and his servants were blind, so blind that it took a donkey to remove him from the place of danger.It took 3 consecutive attempts by the donkey and on those 3 occasions ,he was beaten by his owner.This picture however does not depict the Bible's position with regards to the treatment of animals.Quite the contrary as cruelty to animals is condemned by the Bible as depicted by the angel's rebuke to Balaam later in this chapter (Numbers 22:32), and other places(Exodus 23:5, Proverbs 27:23).Balaam was infuriated by the donkey's behaviour and the donkey eventually resorted to words to explain his behaviour.Several commentators have argued about whether the donkey really talked but I would love us to refer to what the Word of God really says.In 2 Peter 2:16, we are told that the donkey spoke with a human voice,end of story.
Balaam's failure to perceive and his subsequent insensitivity may most likely have resulted from his stubbornness.Continuous persistence in wrong doing will lead to a searing of conscience and dampened sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Balaam was so gone in the path he was determined to take that even the voice of a human from the donkey did not deter him.Once again,we see how one error pf Balaam led to another.Because he was disobedient,and head on stubborn, he no longer could perceive God and became opposed by God.Sometimes we suffer some opposition because God himself is trying to discipline and restore us. The true proof that we are loved and are not bastards is discipline from our fathers( Hebrews 12:8) as a child left to himself will bring shame to the mother( Proverbs 29:15).
The next error we see is almost synonymous to
saying Balaam did not understand the "mama's eye".He goes on rather quickly
the very next morning with the visitors(Numbers 22:21).However the author of
Numbers leaves us in no doubt of God's stance on the matter by
penning down eight words in the first part of verse 22 "God was very angry that he went". I like the fact that God did something about his anger.He did
not just sit passively and we are enjoined to do the same especially for anger
at a justifiable cause;anger about domestic abuse or child trafficking to
mention a few.
"..And the angel of the Lord stood
in the road to oppose him....."
God sent an angel to oppose him but both Balaam and his servants were blind, so blind that it took a donkey to remove him from the place of danger.It took 3 consecutive attempts by the donkey and on those 3 occasions ,he was beaten by his owner.This picture however does not depict the Bible's position with regards to the treatment of animals.Quite the contrary as cruelty to animals is condemned by the Bible as depicted by the angel's rebuke to Balaam later in this chapter (Numbers 22:32), and other places(Exodus 23:5, Proverbs 27:23).Balaam was infuriated by the donkey's behaviour and the donkey eventually resorted to words to explain his behaviour.Several commentators have argued about whether the donkey really talked but I would love us to refer to what the Word of God really says.In 2 Peter 2:16, we are told that the donkey spoke with a human voice,end of story.
Balaam's failure to perceive and his subsequent insensitivity may most likely have resulted from his stubbornness.Continuous persistence in wrong doing will lead to a searing of conscience and dampened sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Balaam was so gone in the path he was determined to take that even the voice of a human from the donkey did not deter him.Once again,we see how one error pf Balaam led to another.Because he was disobedient,and head on stubborn, he no longer could perceive God and became opposed by God.Sometimes we suffer some opposition because God himself is trying to discipline and restore us. The true proof that we are loved and are not bastards is discipline from our fathers( Hebrews 12:8) as a child left to himself will bring shame to the mother( Proverbs 29:15).
For us today, we can learn that
insensitivity does not usually take place suddenly, rather a series of repeated
disobedience to the Spirit of God or the revealed word of God will
eventually cause callousness of our spirits(1 Samuel 15 ,Acts
5:1-11).Whenever it is that we can see in the spirit the "Mama's
eye" showing disapproval,it is necessary for us to proceed no further and
retrace our steps. Someone has rightly stated that "Obedience is Jesus's
love language" and if we say we love him, we should obey him(John 14:15,1
John 5:3) .It is in the place of continuous obedience that we receive further
instruction.What need is there for him to give us some more instructions not to
obey.Obedience is not just only the proof of our love but serves as the
barometer of our spiritual intimacy and enhances our sensitivity to the
Holy Spirit.
In His Service
Grace Tom-Lawyer
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