Thursday, 19 May 2016

Error of Balaam 13 -"The Error of using God

“Then Balaam said to Balak, ”Build seven altars for me here, and prepare for me here seven bulls and seven rams”, And Balak did just as Balaam had spoken ,and Balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar”. Numbers 23:1-2 NKJV New Kings James Version

So Balaam commands Balak to offer the sacrifices following the building of seven altars. On these seven altars were offered seven rams and seven bulls. This is all in an attempt to pacify or appease God or rightly  the “gods” before cursing. It seems that  Balak did not have any problems with going along the notions as long as he got what he wanted.

So both Balaam and Balak offer the sacrifice (Numbers 23:2) in an attempt to curse the people of God. The error here to me seems to be the error of using God. It is the error of trying to buy God’s favour or anger , the error of using the externals. As spiritual as building altars or  offering sacrifices may be , it is wrong for us to use these things to serve our purpose. It is not surprising these days to see some believers fast and pray in an attempt to curse another individual who has perhaps hurt them or are perceived to have done so or be planning to do so.It is also common to hear the excuse of such acts being that one cannt argue with results but that in itself is wrong as we see God in the Old Testament questioning Moses results. Moses was told to speak to the rock but in his anger, he struck the rock and although the same result of water rushing out occured but not without God’s anger and pronouncement that Moses would not enter the promised land (Deutronomy 4:21, 3:27;Psalms 106:32,33).

 Some Christians today open some Bible passages, rather than reading for meditation, use it to confer curses on other people. Even during Jesus stay here on earth, we see some of his disciples asking that they used the power available to call down fire on the Samaritans who had not received Jesus and it is pertinent to note that Jesus rebuked them sharply and  reprimanded them  saying  “ye do not know what Spirit you have received(Luke 9:55).
The kind of spirit we have received is not the one that allows us to go cursing individuals like Balak intends Balaam to do. It may be something we do subtly with accompanying  spiritual exercises and disciplines but if our motive is borne out of vengeance or self preservation  rather than  out of love, Paul admonishes us that it amounts to nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-4).

All through the Bible, there have always been people who were enemies to God’s people and time and time again, we have seen how God fought for his people. Our current case study is an example that God is well able to defend us. All we see happening behind the scene is unknown to the Israelites yet they cannot be cursed.
This is not to discredit spiritual warfare and prayers against the forces of darkness as the Bible enjoins us to (Ephesians 6:12),  but it is one thing to be praying against spiritual wickedness in high places and another thing to be praying against our neighbours, friends, family and supposed enemies. God is able to fight for us without us trying to curse people. It may be popular or people may have claimed it worked for them but the end does not justify the means rather let us take heed as everything will be judged by the test of love.
Yours in His Service,

Grace Tom-Lawyer.

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