Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Error of Balaam 12- The error of compromise

At the very beginning of these series, when we began to consider the errors of Balaam, one of the errors we examined was the error of wrong company and we later saw how this error led to wrong battles. Once again , in this chapter we see Balaam fully associated with wrong company go further down in the path of compromise  which led  to  erecting wrong altars and sacrifices.

Eventually he arrived in Moab where he was rebuked by Balak for not trusting in his ability to honor him. Balak dangles in front of Balaam the fact that he is able to promote and enrich him. Balak asked three questions of Balaam and did not receive any answers. Balak seems to place himself in the position of God as regards providing honor.The enemy cannot provide us with honor as it is the Lord who gives promotion ( Psalms   ).In verse 40 , we see Balak offering sacrifices and sending to Balaam. There is however a sad progression as we see Balaam in the next verse accompanying Balak to the high places of Baal.

How did a prophet get to the place where he began to offer sacrifices on pagan altars? It was not possible for Balaam to associate with wrong company without doing wrong and we see that there is no defined path for the way of compromise. Once we start to compromise , it is most probable that along the way,we will continue to take little steps.The path of compromise is always spiralling downwards with every little step going beyond our original boundaries and convictions till we are left with none. We  sometimes do this  to keep the peace but  the price is usually too high and peace bought this way eventually alludes us.

The perfect will of God for Balaam was already stated the very first night the men from Balaam  came with the instruction for him not to go with the men. To further buttress the point, we see the angel of the Lord coming to kill him for his disobedience, still Balaam was bent on going and indeed he comes to a place where his compromise leads him far beyond what he has bargained for. For his company’s sake, he has begun to eat things sacrificed to idols and to offer sacrifices on altars of Baal. God knows the fluidity of the human experience and how we love to be like those around us That is why he warned the children of Israel not to intermarry with other nations as one of the first things they were sure to do was to turn their hearts to other gods. Idolatry is the first commandment God warned against.

The company we keep will eventually be the company we worship with. What they put in the place of God will naturally become our god in no distant future. Perhaps this is another time for us to revisit our company, check those people who have our ears for indeed they have our lives.

Yours in His Service,

Grace Tom-Lawyer

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