Friday, 26 September 2014

A Necessary Survival Skill

“Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” Ecclesiastes 9:10 NKJV

 A friend of mine attended her church recently and noticed a young girl whom she knew selling cupcakes. Being a friendly person, she approached her to inquire why she was selling cakes and was told by the girl that it was because she had been fired by her dad. She had been hired by her father to assist her younger brother to do his homework but on the said fateful day, she was not paying enough attention and then her brother scored zero in his homework. My friend approached the girl’s dad who confirmed the story which she narrated to me.

I appreciated the dynamics exhibited in the father-daughter relationship especially   the work ethics the father was instilling in his child at such an early age and the fact that she was held responsible for her negligence   but what was most admirable to me is the fact that this child thought of another way of making money .She did not stop or wallow in self-pity because her usual source of income stopped. Rather she invested in another plan .It is one thing to bake cakes and another to sell them .She certainly harnessed certain skills that may have been lying dormant and developed new ones in the process. She exhibited the quality of adaptability which is necessary for survival at all levels.

Adaptability is defined as “the ability to change or be changed to fit changing circumstances .In most job descriptions, it is usually listed as an essential quality and usually referred to as flexibility. Conceivably, you have encountered the unpleasantness of working with someone who is rigid and perhaps in our own lives, there may be a need for us to be more pliable not only at work but in our homes. This may involve going for update courses, and further training to be able to perform more effectively. It may entail caring enough to ask the other person what they need now rather than giving them what they used to need.

 Are we flexible enough? Is it possible that that we are experiencing difficulties in some areas or relationships and not yielding the best because we are yet to make the necessary change? Is there a need to change the services we offer to meet the new needs of the consumers. Even the church can change some methods without changing the message like Paul who became all things to all men to win some (1 Corinthians 9:19).

On a regular basis, we should take stock of all we  are doing  with a view to effecting  any necessary changes as the situation demands to ensure maximum effectiveness. This adaptability is what will keep us relevant not only in the market place but in our various relationships especially as we seek to be witnesses.

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