Sunday, 7 September 2014

Rich in the Word

Growing up as a child in a Christian home, I knew the importance of scriptures but did not know that they were supposed to be read daily until we moved into a new neighbourhood. I noticed that several door posts had an inscription “Read your Bible everyday Joshua 1:8” when I took a walk around. On getting home, I   checked the scripture which confirmed that daily Bible reading is not a suggestion. It was a revelation.

Another area we can all be rich in is in the Word of God. In Paul’s admonition to the Colossians, he urged them to “..LET the word of Christ dwell richly…”(Colossians  3:16).Almost all translations begin this verse with “let “which means to allow. There is a responsibility on us all to make room for the Word of God to be deposited in our spirits, not in a fleeting manner but as a matter of permanent abode. 

 We cannot be rich in the Word of God if we do not read and study it. This usually involves effort especially to establish as part of our daily routine in a time that best suits us and meets us alert. It may involve a rearrangement of our timetables and a sure word of prophecy is that it is not going to just happen until we make it a priority.
 Having a pen and notebook ready as we read God’s word with an expectation that He will speak to us moves the experience from just being a religious activity. This will also help us to remember the things we have learnt. There are various Bible study plans or devotionals we can prayerfully choose and follow.

Although there are   benefits in using these devotionals, it is imperative that these   do not totally replace personal Bible study. Neither should we follow these devotionals or Bible reading plans so rigidly that there is no room for the Holy Spirit’s leading to tarry on a verse(s)  or passage when He chooses to unveil  more truth beyond commentary notes. We should not allow  guilt and condemnation prevent us  from continuing to read the Bible when we fall short of our reading plans.
To become rich in the Word also involves attendance at meetings where the Word is taught (Hebrews 13:25). While it is important that notes are taken, these should be cross checked so as to be referred to and read from time to time. The Berean Christians were deemed as more noble because they checked scriptures for themselves even after the teachings of Apostle Paul (Acts 17:11).

The riches in God’s word will not be fully realized if there is selective reading. Neither can we be truly rich in the Word of God if we fail to feed our souls with a balanced diet from all of it. Paul told Timothy that all scripture is given by God and   is profitable. (2 Timothy 3:16) Both the Old and New Testament should be read and studied so as to prevent spiritual malnutrition!

Be rich in the Word
Grace Tom-Lawyer

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