This meditation should be done daily as our
spiritual bodies need to be fed and digest food daily like our physical bodies
(Deuteronomy 8:3). In the wilderness, manna fell daily for the children of
Israel. We can also ensure that we
pass the rich heritage of the Word of God to our children as the Israelites
were asked to do In the Old testament, parents were admonished not only to
have the word in their heart but to teach it diligently to their children when
they sit in the house, walk by the way ,lie down and when they rise
up(Deuteronomy 6:6—8,11:19).This sounds like more work is expected than just the weekly Sunday School lesson The word of God was to be practically ingrained
into their daily lives. They were even asked to write it on their door post
(Deuteronomy 6:9).My new neighbours then did not know how obedience to the door
posts instruction changed my life.
It is important that it is the Word of God that
is dwelling richly in us. We should not allow the words of men or their
writings have more cognizance than the Word of God in our lives. We are
however more likely to fall into error
unknowingly if all our scriptural
commentaries, devotional books and sermons are from one source and we do not
pay the same attention to the multi-faceted gifts in the body of Christ in
general. A maturing and balanced Christian is one who can appreciate truth and
revelation from others beyond their own little Christian clique (1 Corinthians
There are several earthly and eternal benefits
which abound when we become rich in
God’s word. These include salvation (James 1:21), deliverance (Psalms 107:20),
healing (Proverbs 4:21-22), revival (Psalms 19;25, 49-51,107,154),sanctification(Psalms
119:9-11). direction (Psalms 119:105), and growth(1 Peter 2:2).As we dwell in God’s Word,
our lives are enriched and produce more
fruit(John 15:5-8). Spending time in God’s word enables us to know Him more. The
more of him we know, the richer our experience and the deeper our intimacy (Psalms
42:7, Hosea 6:3). The more of the light we receive from the word of God and
practice(James 1:22), the more we can reflect and become lights in our world
(Matthew 5:14-16, 2 Corinthians 3:18) and rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy
Be rich in God’s Word,
Grace Tom-Lawyer
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