Thursday, 30 April 2015

The high cost of fake

I was going through a magazine where a recent Art event necessitated the featuring of several  unusual pieces of art, one of which  was the "Amanda Princess"  a property of the Metropolitan Police.This headless figure of an ancient Egyptian princess,half sister of the legendary Tutankhakhamun,was bought by Bolton Museum in 2008 for £400,000 ,after authentication by the British Museum and Christie's. But amazingly,she was made in a shed of a Lancashire council house using tools bought from B&Q (one of UK's favourite DIY&Home shop)  by a sometime antique dealer Shaun Greenhalghm..The aggrieved party employed the law and Shaun was imprisoned  for four years and eight months.No one likes to pay the price of the real for the fake and the issue with such deceit is that usually the fake looks like the original. 

Although the original is usually preferred to the fake, there are many times when we willingly pay the price for a fake depending on its usefulness.But  the problem arises when we are paying an exorbitant price for a fake and not know it.Sadly our lives can be fake in several places or a whole saddening fake. John puts it pointblank   when he says "he that has the Son has life, he that has not the Son has no life"(1 John 5:12).

 The price of living a fake life is always exorbitant and never goes on sale.The seven sons of Sceva had been in the church long enough to use the language but because they were inherently fake, the demons they tried to cast out of the man overpowered them and they all leaped out off the  room naked(Acts 19:11-29).

We might not be as extreme as that but may be faking it in one way or the other, perhaps under the illusion of "fake it until you make it".But if we really want to imitate Jesus,then we should be sincere like him and say "I am thirsty "(John 19:28)I do not have it all together,so that he can give us true water .

In a mission statement, Jesus declared that he came so we might have life and life more abundantly(John 10:10).In God's economy, abundance is the minimum.If we do not have the Son ,we do not have life.It means that we are only existing which negates the whole purpose of Christ dying on the cross. There is no need to have fake when God's desire is that we have life and life in all of its fullness. 
Live well,Live fully.
Grace Tom-Lawyer

Monday, 27 April 2015

A Note of Appreciation

Dear Readers,

This is to sincerely express my gratitude to you for all your comments, posts and prayers It is always good to hear from you ,espeially when you et me know how this blog is a blessing to your life and how I can improve and serve you better. There is always room for improvemenet and it is my aim to serve with excellence,so keep suggestions rolling in.

I had internet issues for over a week and was unable to put up the completion of Fit for the Master"s Use for about a week but the issues are resolved now and we are fully back.We have an exciting new series that will begin in the month of May and I earnestly covet your prayers

You can reach me as usual using the  contact form or via the email address justflourish@gmail,com  ,find me on Facebook by my name"Grace Tom-Lawyer" and you can choose to  follow me on Twitter @Grace_tomlawyer.

Do have a lovely week ahead and Thank you once again for your support..

Grace Tom-Lawyer

Friday, 17 April 2015

Fit for the Master Use 3

We conclude these series looking at some salient points in the life of the colt that characterizes the man that is fit for the Master’s use.

The colt was finally found as Jesus predicted. It was loosed and sat upon by our Lord who  rode it  into Jerusalem. The people responded warmly and the colt got treated like royalty. It  walked on their clothes and palm fronds as they chanted "Hossana to the son of David"(Matthew 21:9).Several other colts may have watched this colt on that fateful  day, envious of its opportunity while most probably  ignorant  of all the times the colt had waited to be used. The colt we believe is fully aware that this reception is because of whom it carried. Apostle Paul rightly says that we carry a treasure in our earthen vessels ( 2 Corinthians 4:7 )  so that the excellency may not be of us but of God. The man that is fit for the Master's use walks in full cognizance of the fact that it is not about him rather as a good steward, he gives all  the glory  to God. He does not see as a right the privileges that are accorded him in the service of representing the master.(John 3:30;2 Corinthians 5;20) .

The colt also followed through executing its duty of carrying Jesus all the way to Jerusalem. This is the one thing recorded that it did and this one thing was done well. I am not sure how long the ride was to Jerusalem but can safely conclude that it must have been a burden on the colt's back and most likely have caused it some discomfort, nevertheless it completed the task. True commitment that endures to reap the joy of completing is another characteristic of a man that is fit for the Master’s use(2 Timothy 4:7, Hebrews 12:2).       

Also we note that the praises and the jeers of men did not also disrupt or distract the colt from its line of duty. Just like the colt was not swayed by the praises of men, the man that will be fit for the Master’s use is one who will serve irrespective of the voices and opinions of others. This is because people are fickle, the same people who sang "Hossana" at  the beginning of the week changed their song to "Crucify crucify him" by the end of  that same week(Luke 23:21).

There is always a practical side to the prophetic .In the course of its everyday's job, the colt became fit for the master use. It is impossible to be fit for the master use if we are treating lightly our everyday commitments or routine without reverence. Scriptures give countless examples of men such as David who were first faithful in their everyday life before being promoted to do something higher(Psalms 78;70-71,89:30) .It is this ability to treat even the secular as sacred, honouring God in the routine  by doing the little things well that distinguishes the man that is fit for the Master’s use

 There are still vacancies in the vineyard and God is counting on us to  make ourselves available .Rather than being involved in a multiplicity of things with mediocre effect, we could like the colt do just one thing, no matter how ordinary it seems  and do it with excellence.

Yours in Him,

Grace Tom-Lawyer.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Fit for the Master's Use 2

"And they went their way and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met and they loosed him"-Mark 11:4 King James Version
"...the two followers...found the young donkey tied by the door where two streets crossed..." Mark 11:4 New Life Version

Two months ago, a friend of mine and her family had to travel to London for two weekends to attend functions. When her 4 year old daughter was asked where they had been, she replied "we went to the hotel".It was quite humorous  as she refused to accept the fact that they stayed in a hotel because they were in London.It was a matter of defining the place for her and the story of the colt reveals more as we look at the place where it was.

The colt is described as being tied in a place where two roads meet or where two streets crossed(in other words a junction) and this is quite significant.Everyday there was activity at the junction as people moved in and moved out.The colt was strategically placed in a location where people had to make a decision.What we see happening to the colt outwardly is an illustration of what takes place inwardly in our lives.We are always faced with opportunities which can broadly be put into two categories.There will always be a choice to either satisfy the flesh or satisfy the Spirit(Romans 8;8)  and if we are honest, it can be a struggle sometimes.This is a fight that goes on daily and no man is exempt from it as long as we are on this side of heaven, even the great Apostle Paul talked about this struggle (Romans 7:15-25).

The writer of Hebrews encourages us that by reason of use, we can exercise our spiritual muscles to do good(Hebrews 5:14 ,1 Timothy 4:7).Trying a new work out at the gym is always the most difficult the first time. Every time we choose to yield  to the Spirit by making a choice that will satisfy the Spirit, it will make it easier the next time.Perhaps a choice to simply turn off  or change a TV channel with the remote control so as not to pollute our spirits(Psalms 101:3) is just a first step or  a choice to apologise to our significant other when we get convicted by the Holy Spirit that we have been rude.There will always be a choice.

The person that will be fit for the Master's use is one that will daily choose to make choices that will honour his master, indeed take up the cross daily(Luke 9:23) and that in itself means several things to several people.We might not be 100% perfect(1 John 1:8-9)  but the consistency of our choices to do right each time  will make it easier the next time as we choose to  walk in the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-17).

Choosing to please him,
Grace Tom-Lawyer.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Above all things

Today is World Health Day and it is not only the WHO that is concerned about our health.
The Bible has much to say about living in health.This actually is the will of God for us.
It is important that we take care of our bodies as they are the only containers which have made us legal here on planet earth. As much as possible,we should ensure we are protective over our health by earing right,sleeping right.drinking right.
The commandment not to destroy our bodies does not refer to committing sin with our bodies but harmful practices such as smoking could destroy some of our internal organs and cut our lives short.If we do need help in breaking this practice,let us not be ashamed to ask.
Since we do not yet have the resurrected new bodies,let us take care of the ones we have as this would go a long way in ensuring we are in good health.
Yours Sincerely.
Grace Tom-lawyer

Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Resurrection Message

".....But go tell His disciples and Peter...."Mark  16:7 New King James Version

When someone is critically ill in the hospital and approaching the final moments, the family is usually sent for. This is done with the aim of providing them the  opportunity of hearing  the last words of their loved ones  which is deemed to be very important.All the writers of the Gospel shower importance also on the concluding words of Jesus both at the Last Supper and on the Cross.It is true wisdom then to put an equal degree of attention to the message that he gives either directly or indirectly through the angels after his resurrection(Matthew 28:1-8,Mark 16:1-8,Luke 24:1-12&John 20:1-10).

In one of the very first resurrection messages,Jesus makes Peter aware that he is thinking of him.According to Mark's Gospel, the women were instructed at the empty tomb to deliver the message of the resurrection to the disciples and Peter.We all know that Peter messed up by denying  Jesus three times.Ironically,this is also recorded in all four gospels(Matthew 26:69-75,Mark 14:66-72,Luke 22:55-62&John 18:15-18,25-27) but we see the heart of Jesus reaching out in forgiveness as he ensures that Peter is mentioned.How comforting this message"...go tell his disciples and Peter..."  of a second chance must have been to Peter.Both Luke and John record that Peter of all the disciples (Luke 24:12;John 20:3-4)was the first to run out to check the empty tomb.The energy for the run must have been fuelled by the love of being mentioned personally.He is mentioned after the other disciples so that we do not put unnecessary emphasis on him but see him in the right context as another disciple(Mark 16:7).

 The Gospel  of Mark is believed by most scholars to have been written by John Mark who is said to have  abandoned the ministry with Apostle Paul and Barnabas during their first missionary trip. Things were probably too difficult and he chose not  to continue at Perga (Acts 13:13).Quite naturally,during the second missionary trip,Barnabas and Paul had a sharp disagreement on account of taking him with them and separated ways (Acts 15:36-41)but later on towards the end of Paul's ministry,he asked Timothy to bring John Mark  for he is profitable for the ministry(2 Tim 4:11).This Mark was the spiritual son of Peter(1 Peter 5:13,Acts 12:12) and tradition indicates that Peter helped him write the Gospel that bears his name.No wonder he is the only one of all the Gospel writers  who recorded the personal message for Peter.If it is true that John Mark is the writer of this gospel,I am pleased and encouraged as he pens down these words knowing how he had also  been given a second chance too -" tell the disciples and Peter"... "Bring John Mark".What a parallel of grace!.

The death and resurrection  of Christ gave us a second  chance with God(Ephesians 2:13,Colossians 2:13).As recipients of his grace,we should extend this grace (John 1:16)  to others as we consider some of our relationships in this season.As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord ,let us allow his resurrection power to visit some of our  dead and comatose relationships and  extend grace to people who may have wronged us(Philemon 1:21).

Happy Resurrection Sunday,
Grace Tom-Lawyer

Friday, 3 April 2015

Crucified with Christ

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me". Galatians 2:20 New King James Version (NKJV)

A close look at the first two chapters of  the book of Galatians show an  immeasurable  wealth  hidden in  Paul's writing as to the Galatian believers as he tries to show  them that justification by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ  is enough.After authenticating his apostleship(Galatians 1:12),he makes some profound statements which have been used as memory verses over  the years.One of the verses runs with the theme  of today and is one of  the tenets of our faith; the Crucifixion of Jesus.But what did Paul really mean by this verse and how can we apply it in our lives today?

In reply to the former question ,an older believer told a young believer that to be crucified with Christ means three things: 1.a man on the cross is facing only one direction 2.he is not going back 3. he has no further plans of his own.Using this simple illustration,we  can examine what it  means to be on that cross with Jesus today.

When Jesus was on the cross about two thousand years , he faced one direction.It is not possible to be on a cross and face more than one direction as the nature of the cross restricts us to one direction only, it brings us to a singularity of purpose and if any man is going to go far with God or  do anything significant  for God,he must be someone facing one direction.This means that for every decision he makes, the focal point of reference is what God says. As believers today, when we are crucified with Christ, we face only one direction which brings us face to face with Christ without distraction, so that we can be transformed into his own image (2 Corinthians 3 :18).

The second thing about the man on the cross is the fact that he is not going back. He has reached the point of no return. When Jesus was on the cross,it was too late to go back.On the way to the  cross(crucifixion), there will be opportunities to turn on back. Three  of the writers of the Gospel showed us that even Christ had doubts about the cross but as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane , he reached the point where his spirit and body submitted to God's will.(Matthew 26:40,Mark 14:36&Luke 22:42).We learn that the battle was won in the place of prayer so he was able to go all the way.

 Even the jeerings of men who wanted him to show his power and claimed they would believe if he came down from the cross at that moment did not bring Jesus down from the cross(Matthew 24:42). When I watched Jesus of Nazareth part 4 as a child, I wondered why Jesus did not simply come down so that these people could believe.But thank God for wisdom now  as I realize two things 1.Jesus  had the power to do so but  he did not use his power to defeat God's purpose , his strength was controlled(meekness exemplified ) 2.Jesus did not need to prove anything to them. The man on the cross does not need to prove anything and is content to stand the risk of being misunderstood,like Jesus he knows there is a higher purpose which will bring greater glory(Romans 8:28).Jesus's  vision of saving the world was too big for him to be disturbed with the pettiness of  now and so he remained on the cross.The man on the cross has total commitment.

The third thing about the man on the cross is that he has no further plans of his own. No matter what Jesus planned to do,he could not do it as long as he remained on the cross.He even had to commit the care of his mother to another disciple (John 19:26-28). However it is important to note that Jesus  said that he had finished the work that he had been sent to do on the cross(John 19:30).This is because on the cross, it is no longer about us. No wonder Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15  ".....that we judge that if one died for all, then all who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who  died for them and was raised".The person on the cross has no further plans of his own and is fully yielded to death.It is a life of  total surrender. 

Being crucified with Christ amongst several things will involve the three things highlighted above.But it is not something we can do by our own power ,hence Paul says further "... the life that I live now i live by  faith in the son of God who ..." This faith comes through grace (Ephesians 2:8) which we must not take for granted (Galatians 2 21). 

The extent of our crucifixion with Christ will be in direct proportion of  the grace of God we make use of .According to John Gregory Mantle, "there is a great difference between realizing on the cross that He was crucified for me and "On that cross , I am crucified with him".The one aspect brings us deliverance from sin's condemnation , the other from sin's power ".

Happy Good Friday 
Grace Tom-Lawyer 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Who is a fool?

So today is April Fool's day where it is acceptable to pray pranks on each other till midday and my memory fails to recollect childhood April fool pranks that were played  by me or on me.,This morning, although I had a definition in my mind, I decided to check the dictionary meaning of a fool. A fool is defined as" one who acts unwisely" or "a silly person or as a person who lacks judgement" and historically, it was used to refer to a jester or a clown who was retained in royal or noble households to help with jokes Considering the stress that comes with governing people,I am sure the palaces needed something to lift up their spirits and lighten the environment.

But I would be the first to admit that the need for lightening up and laughter does not belong to the palace alone.Actually everyone of us can do with laughter and enjoy the benefits of it. I am talking of belly laughter and not the one we are sometimes forced to do in order to be polite.Although the  origin of April Fool's day is somehow uncertain, there is a general consensus that jokes ought  to be played until midday after which the person who is attempting to play the joke is then referred to as the "fool".So assuming the joke time is over,what does the Bible say about who a fool is?

The Psalmist says  that a fool is one who says in his heart that there is no God. It is somebody who has refused to acknowledge the divine for who he is, Rather  than face his conscience he   refuses to acknowledge a creator and absolves himself of any responsibility.This denial of God usually leads to a full vent of rebellious and wicked behaviour.(Psalms 14:1)    ,

Apostle Paul  also referred to the Galatian Christians  as acting as foolish because  they were trying to end in the flesh what  they had  started in the spirit(Galatians 3:1-4). The sacrifice and the blood of Jesus was  no longer enough for them an they were erroneously being coxed to add the rite of circumcision to their faith.And although we may not have the same issue they had in the first century church, sometimes as Christians we act foolishly  also and take a nose dive into  legalism in the most subtle of ways.The gentle voice of the Holy Spirit or the kind of reprimand that Paul issued to the Galatians as their spiritual father  hopefully brings us  back to track, Paul was able to help the Galatian by explaining to them the truth of the realities of redemption thus giving us a pattern that knowledge drives out foolishness.

So this April fool;s day does not only give a license for pranks but rather calls for a time of sober reflection. Are there places in our lives where we are saying there is no God or refusing to see the hand of God working behind the scene or are we just not acknowledging the existence of God himself ?Perhaps it may be that we are on the other side, having started out  things by the spirit and trying to finish thm in our own strength hence the struggle and frustration we are experiencing. but concluding in the flesh ,Be sure to reflect on this but do not forget to laugh today,laugh really hard because laughter is medicine to the spirit(Proverbs 17:22).

In his service,
Grace  Tom-Lawyer