Monday, 6 April 2015

Above all things

Today is World Health Day and it is not only the WHO that is concerned about our health.
The Bible has much to say about living in health.This actually is the will of God for us.
It is important that we take care of our bodies as they are the only containers which have made us legal here on planet earth. As much as possible,we should ensure we are protective over our health by earing right,sleeping right.drinking right.
The commandment not to destroy our bodies does not refer to committing sin with our bodies but harmful practices such as smoking could destroy some of our internal organs and cut our lives short.If we do need help in breaking this practice,let us not be ashamed to ask.
Since we do not yet have the resurrected new bodies,let us take care of the ones we have as this would go a long way in ensuring we are in good health.
Yours Sincerely.
Grace Tom-lawyer

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