Thursday, 30 April 2015

The high cost of fake

I was going through a magazine where a recent Art event necessitated the featuring of several  unusual pieces of art, one of which  was the "Amanda Princess"  a property of the Metropolitan Police.This headless figure of an ancient Egyptian princess,half sister of the legendary Tutankhakhamun,was bought by Bolton Museum in 2008 for £400,000 ,after authentication by the British Museum and Christie's. But amazingly,she was made in a shed of a Lancashire council house using tools bought from B&Q (one of UK's favourite DIY&Home shop)  by a sometime antique dealer Shaun Greenhalghm..The aggrieved party employed the law and Shaun was imprisoned  for four years and eight months.No one likes to pay the price of the real for the fake and the issue with such deceit is that usually the fake looks like the original. 

Although the original is usually preferred to the fake, there are many times when we willingly pay the price for a fake depending on its usefulness.But  the problem arises when we are paying an exorbitant price for a fake and not know it.Sadly our lives can be fake in several places or a whole saddening fake. John puts it pointblank   when he says "he that has the Son has life, he that has not the Son has no life"(1 John 5:12).

 The price of living a fake life is always exorbitant and never goes on sale.The seven sons of Sceva had been in the church long enough to use the language but because they were inherently fake, the demons they tried to cast out of the man overpowered them and they all leaped out off the  room naked(Acts 19:11-29).

We might not be as extreme as that but may be faking it in one way or the other, perhaps under the illusion of "fake it until you make it".But if we really want to imitate Jesus,then we should be sincere like him and say "I am thirsty "(John 19:28)I do not have it all together,so that he can give us true water .

In a mission statement, Jesus declared that he came so we might have life and life more abundantly(John 10:10).In God's economy, abundance is the minimum.If we do not have the Son ,we do not have life.It means that we are only existing which negates the whole purpose of Christ dying on the cross. There is no need to have fake when God's desire is that we have life and life in all of its fullness. 
Live well,Live fully.
Grace Tom-Lawyer

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