Monday, 27 April 2015

A Note of Appreciation

Dear Readers,

This is to sincerely express my gratitude to you for all your comments, posts and prayers It is always good to hear from you ,espeially when you et me know how this blog is a blessing to your life and how I can improve and serve you better. There is always room for improvemenet and it is my aim to serve with excellence,so keep suggestions rolling in.

I had internet issues for over a week and was unable to put up the completion of Fit for the Master"s Use for about a week but the issues are resolved now and we are fully back.We have an exciting new series that will begin in the month of May and I earnestly covet your prayers

You can reach me as usual using the  contact form or via the email address justflourish@gmail,com  ,find me on Facebook by my name"Grace Tom-Lawyer" and you can choose to  follow me on Twitter @Grace_tomlawyer.

Do have a lovely week ahead and Thank you once again for your support..

Grace Tom-Lawyer

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