Friday, 10 October 2008

Counting my Blessings(2)

"Thou hast given so much to me........Give me one thing more...a grateful heart"-George Herbert

I came across that prayer for the first time two days ago and I could not help but pray it again .
We all know how gratitude fuels us to do so much more.Remember how you felt the last time someone said a warm "Thank you".It is just so natural that the next time the opportunity comes,you want to do something for the same individual that has expressed gratitude.That is the trick praise singers use to get money from people in parties.(niaja settings!)

What does a heart full of gratitude do?It puts things in the right perspective and sets you at the right altitude.To have things in the right perspective means to begin to see things the way Good sees it and to know that every detail of our lives is of imporatnce to him.Have you noticed what happens when you just start to sing God's praises and take out time to truly magnify his name.There is a sweet presence that comes that makes Depression fly out at a faster speed than light because you cannot truly praise him and be depressed and you cannot really praise him if you do not know Him and how do we know Him?By spending time with him .

Once more ,I just want to encourage you to take out time everyday you wake up and as many times during the day to say Thank you Lord.

Continue to flourish

Grace Tom-Lawyer

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