Wednesday, 15 October 2008

He has no nightwear.

"Behold he that keepeth Isreal shall neither slumber nor sleep"Psalms 121 v.4 KJV.

Two days ago,I was packing my things for an overnight job and needed to take my sleeping clothes as I packed my overnite bag.I used them and on returning home,I decided to sleep properly on my bed(you know the feeling).So I had to change again.

After changing clothes ,I decided to look at some of my study notes and came across a note I had made of a praise name of God that someone used while praying.She referred to God as the "God who has no night wear".

I am really used to so many praise names of God and all He has but this one that is seemingly negative left me thinking ....and suddenly it dawned on me.

He has no night wear because He does not need any night wear!

For him there is no night,He is never tired.He has just set the times and seasons for us.So He keeps watch 24/7 .I have been on call at various times but the most I have worked has been 13 hours sort of straight with breaks and whenever I get home from such long shifts,I am really exhausted.As humans we have been created with a need to sleep and rest.But going on over the ages ,without sleep is still beyond my imagination.

God is indeed awesome and worthy to be praised.While we are asleep,he watches tenderly over us.I am glad that God does not sleep.Imagine how the world would be if He ever did.How sad is it then that when we wake up in the morning,we do not just take the time to say "Good morning,Lord".

I beg that the next time you wake up from sleep,be it on your bed(not all can afford it) or in a chair(dozing,when you are supposed to be reading!),remember to praise the God who has no nightwear.

Continue to Flourish,

Grace Tom-Lawyer.

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