Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Using Words wisely

"As Samuel grew up,the Lord was with him and everything he said was wise and helpful.All the people of Isreal from one end of the land to the other knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord.The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh and gave messages to Samuel there at the Tabernacle".1 Sam 3v.19-21 NLT

Yesterday,we talked about using words wisely and I was looking through my study books and saw that I had jotted these verses at one time.
I remember being challenged by the fact that the Bible did not mince words and stated clearly that everything Samuel said was wise and helpful.Everything!And we have not known the Bible to exaggerate!

I will be the first to admit to you that not all my words have been wise and helpful always.I am striving to get there really.Get to the point that whenever I speak,it will be what will bring healing,bring hope,not what will cause disunity,strife.etc.
But as I pondered on that verse,I saw that there was a secret to Samuel's words being how they were.I think the preceding statements help us.It says that the Lord was with him .That means that as a result of his asssociation with the Lord,the language of God began to rub on him.Intimacy with God takes time and discipline.

In short,before that I am encouraged by the fact that the beginning part of the verse says As Samuel grew up....that means that getting to the stage where Samuel got to is not automatic,it comes as a result of growth which will only take place with time and nourishment.
Do you remember a sibling when he was a toddler and the vocabulary was limited but now,imagine that the vocabulary of that sibling(even as a teen now) is different from when he was a child.Initially,there was a mutter,sometimes not getting the words right.

So be encouraged today to spend more time with God(guard that time passionately) and know that we are striving towards the time when heaven can record of us that everything we say is wise and helpful.

Continue to flourish,

Grace Tom-Lawyer

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