Thursday, 23 October 2008

Why pray when you can worry?

"Take it to the Lord in prayer"

I was just thinking about a present challenge some minutes ago and just as it seemed to be looming over my head and tears wanted to start trickling down ,I just heard whispered "take it to the Lord in prayer".I have heard those words somewhere before,hmm,from a hymn.So I decided to check on the internet for the lyrics as I could not remember the first line of the song.I checked for the verses and want to share some with you.

It is a  familiar hymn  song  and though it has been on for centuries(written as a poem in 1855 by Joseph Scriven and composed as music by Charles Converse),the truths in it are timeless.

"What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer."

You know it is one thing to think about a challenge and allow it to overwhelm you,it is another thing to believe the Lord as you wait for his promises in your life to come true.Most times the problem is not receiving the promises ,but being able to wait for it like Habakkuk says till it comes to pass.(Hab 2 v.2).I am always intrigued and need to remind myself that God has my best interests in mind.He is thinking about me constantly and He knows all I go through.

As I write this piece,I remind myself that God wants to be trusted by all of us his children.I should trust Him enough and not give in to worry.Trust Him enough to carry everything to Him in prayer because He cares.Why do I pray if I can worry.Only one can be properly done at a time successfully.Worry will get me nowhere just as much as a rocking chair will do.It will be a lot of activity,analysing,draining me of my strength to carry on having robbed me of my joy.

No .I am not going to go down that path!

It is always unprofitable(that's a lesson I have learnt over the years).Rather I choose to pray about this and trust God.After all,that was why Abraham was counted as righteous.

God wants to be trusted.

Trusted enough to believed and to be obeyed because the central issue in our walk with Him is a matter of trust.Every relationship is built and grows on trust.That is why the hymn writer,John Sammis in 1887 said "trust and obey".If we do not trust God,we cannot obey him.(obey him not to worry for a start!)

Take it to the Lord in prayer,He is able.

Continue to flourish,

Grace Tom-Lawyer.

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